Safeguarding Reviews & Investigations
Improving the safeguarding of adults and children in care.
Identify failures in safeguarding and prevent similar incidents in the future.
Our team of Occupational Therapists, RMN, RGN, LD specialists, CQC Inspectors, and Operational Managers are highly experienced in completing independent safeguarding reviews. Our safeguarding reviews provide an unbiased and evidence-based, factual report based on the evidence provided. All investigations are peer reviewed for accuracy, consistency and proportionality.
Learn more about our investigation services by speaking with our team!
What are safeguarding reviews?
Safeguarding reviews are a process that considers whether or not serious harm experienced by a patient at risk of abuse or neglect could have been predicted or prevented. The process identifies areas of improvement for the service to prevent cases of abuse and neglect in the future.
There are 2 types of safeguarding review; Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) and Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR).
Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR)
Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR)
Learn more about our safeguarding reviews & investigations.
What’s the purpose of safeguarding reviews?
The purpose of safeguarding reviews is to establish if there are any lessons to be learned from the case and from the way that professionals and involved organisations worked together to safeguard and promote the welfare of the patient.
A safeguarding review will identify what the learnings, how they will be acted on, and what is expected to change and within what timeframe as a result of the review.
How do our investigations work?
Delphi employs a variety of investigative methods to identify potential causes of specific events. By reviewing and analysing patients’ clinical notes, risk assessments, and care plans, we can pinpoint areas of risk and recommend actions for improvement. We also use a PSRIF template to uncover the root causes of problems and propose solutions, complemented by a detailed timeline of events.
Our investigative approach integrates a systems approach, human factors, and ergonomics, using the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model and other tools recommended by NHS England. This ensures that we consider all elements of the work system, including people, tasks, tools and technologies, environment, and organisational conditions. By doing so, we aim to improve safety, clinical effectiveness, and patient experience.
Thanks to our impartiality, we provide unbiased, evidence-based reports grounded in the evidence presented. All investigations undergo peer review to ensure accuracy, consistency, and proportionality. We conduct interviews with involved staff using open and closed questions, maintaining a ‘no blame’ approach.
Adhering to the three pillars of quality within the NHS - safety, clinical effectiveness, and patient experience - Delphi boasts a team of experienced clinicians and senior operational staff. When necessary, we can engage expert subject matter associates. Our team includes Occupational Therapists, RMNs, RGNs, LD professionals, CQC Inspectors, and Operational Managers, all of whom have extensive senior-level experience in both the public and private sectors.
By incorporating a systems approach and focusing on human factors and ergonomics, Delphi's investigations are thorough and aligned with best practices for patient safety. This method allows us to identify systemic issues rather than attributing blame to individuals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.
Get in touch.
Our specialist investigations team.
Following the three pillars of quality base of the NHS, Delphi has a team of experienced clinicians and senior operational staff and are able to bring in expert subject matter associates, should there be a need.
Our specialist team includes Occupational Therapists, RMN, RGN, LD, CQC Inspectors, Operational Managers, and more all with countless years of experience at senior level both within the Public and Private sectors.
Kate Comfort
Investigations Lead
Kate has extensive experience in healthcare and social care investigations. Over six years as a CQC inspector and a background as a Datix Officer have honed her skills in managing serious incidents and performing root cause analysis. Kate excels in working with providers to foster a positive learning culture, using insights from patient safety incidents to drive continuous improvement and deliver the highest quality care.
Why choose Delphi Care?
Delphi Care are specialists in safeguarding reviews and will examine all information available to create in thorough report for your healthcare business. We are recognised and trusted by the NHS to conduct these investigations, so you know you are in safe hands with Delphi Care.
If your healthcare business requires our safeguarding review service, please contact our friendly team today and we will be in touch to discuss the circumstances and how our services can benefit you.
Our other investigations expertise.
The Delphi investigations team has experience across many different types of independent investigations.